1. Another chase
2. Army Ants
3. Charlie
4. Daisy (wake up in a daisy)
5. Down on you
6. Elvis
7. FunkJamTimbre
8. Get down on it
9. GoFree
10. Guitarchestra
11. Hey, Hey it's me
12. Hot Bliss
13. I am
14. I don't know about love, anymore
15. I don't know about love, anymore (contemporary version)
16. I love you too
17. I only want you
18. I needed time
19. I'm sorry I'm not sorry
20. It's alright
21. Lay your head
22. Like it was yesterday
23. Long overdue love
24. Man in the Moon
25. My little firefly
26. No other Lovin'
27. Now
28. One Lover
29. Please stay the night
30. Power
31. Queen of Hearts
32. Sexy, Naughty, Sexy
33. Shari
34. Shooting Spree
35. Small towns are murder
36. Surfing Naked
37. That's where you'll find me now
38. The Ah Ha Song
39. The last days of Thomas Ripple(radio version)
40. The last days of Thomas Ripple
41. The liberty station
42. The window
43. There I was
44. There's something wrong with you
45. This is Planet Earth
46. Time has come
47. Time is of the Essence
48. Tina
49. To look at you now
50. We can never be
51. Who ate the Pie (dear mom)
52. Why when we say (that it's over)
53. Words
54. Your Everything